Fitness industry is FAKE here is why - Review

Let me ask you, do you think the Fitness Industry is fake?
Do you truly believe the Shredded and Jacked Instagram models are natural as they claim in their Bios?
Do you still believe Mr. Olympia guys are only taking mainstream supplements such as Creatine and Protein as they claim in their magazine interviews?

To understand the answer to those questions, understand that fitness and bodybuilding industries are built on lies. It has been ever since the beginning of the 1970s when modern bodybuilding was born (as a result of the introduction of chemical enhancement). These models and bodybuilders you see on Youtube and Instagram are signed by supplement companies. These well-crafted contacts restrict them from talking about what they are actually taking and force them into promoting products. The biggest scam of the decade was probably BCAAs and it was one of the top-selling products in fitness. Next was probably mainstream Testosterone Boosters. If people knew the actual effectiveness and proper use of the products, 90% of people would not have purchased them.
However no supplement contract is controlling me, so I’m free to talk about what I want and that's what we're here to do.

So here are my 3 most overrated mainstream supplements:
- Glutamine (weak for muscle building has some benefits for digestion)
- Protein powder

And 3 most underrated supplements:
- Minerals: Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Zinc
- Fish oil
- Arachidonic Acid

The one single question I get asked the most is "What PED stack should I be on?"
While I do not believe in one size fits all approach I'm gonna try to give you something that will get you started and does not put you at any health risk. And still gets you great results!
If you're bulking, cutting or recompositioning check this out!
Get my 4 week cycle for beginners here completely for free -> 
These cycles would work fantastic for the majority of people under the majority of conditions. they also don’t discriminate against compounds like most protocols on the Internet do. Usually what you’ll find is a protocol that over-emphasizes steroids or discriminates against other critical growth pathways. So these cycles solve the most common problems with most of the cycles found on the Internet to obtain better results faster and with fewer side effects.  

Watch out for the next email that’s coming in 2 days. I’m going to show you exactly how we were able to put on 20 pounds of muscles in 7 days without any health side effects. All documented on a video. The most radical body transformation ever recorded!
If you don’t want to wait for the next email just click the link below and fill out the survey to get your own personalized PED cycle based on the Anabolic Matrix theory. And start transforming your body!


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